Tree terms: c
- C:N ratio
- cable brace
- cableway
- calcareous
- calcicole
- calcifuge
- California bearing ratio
- call in
- calliper
- callus
- callus roll
- calorie
- cambium
- Campaign to Protect Rural England
- Cancún
- canker
- canker stain of plane
- canopy
- canopy closure
- canopy cover
- cant hook
- cantilever
- capillary action
- capillary matting
- Capital asset value for amenity trees (CAVAT) method
- carbohydrate
- carbon
- carbon capture and storage
- carbon cycle
- carbon dioxide
- carbon dioxide equivalence
- carbon emissions
- carbon footprint
- carbon intensity
- carbon neutral
- carbon offsetting
- carbon sequestration
- carbon sink
- carbon source
- carbon trading
- carbon:nitrogen ratio
- carbonic acid
- carotenoid
- carpel
- carr
- carriage drive
- carriageway
- carrying capacity
- Casagrande classification
- Casagrande method
- case officer
- casual
- catch pit
- catchment
- catenary fence
- cation
- cation exchange capacity
- catkin
- cat-slide
- cattle (Bos taurus)
- caveat
- caveat emptor
- cavitation
- cavity
- cavity filling
- cavity wall
- CDM Regulations
- cell
- cell vacuole
- cell wall
- cellular confinement system
- cellular paving
- cellulose
- cement
- centre leader
- CEnv
- ceramic fracture
- Certificate in arboriculture
- certification scheme
- CFCs
- chainlink fence
- chalara die-back of ash
- chalk
- champion tree
- channel grating
- charcoal
- charging order
- chartered
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)
- Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT)
- Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)
- Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM)
- Chartered Insurance Institute (CII)
- chase
- check
- Chelsea Physic Garden
- chemical pruning
- chequers
- cherry gall
- cherry picker
- chert
- chestnut blight
- chilling requirement
- chimera
- Chinese moustache
- Chinese water deer (Hydropotes inermis)
- chipper
- chippings
- chips
- chitin
- chlorofluorocarbons
- chlorophyll
- chlorophyll content
- chlorophyll fluorescence
- chlorosis
- churchwarden
- CIArb
- CIArb
- cicatrix
- cider apple variety
- cinders and ash
- circling root
- Circular 11/95
- Circular 36/78
- cistern
- Citizen’s Advice Bureau
- citrus longhorn beetle
- City & Guilds
- City & Guilds Land-based Services
- city region
- civil action
- civil engineer
- civil law
- civil standard
- clade
- claimant
- clapboard
- clathrate hydrate
- clay
- clay soil shrinkage
- clean coal
- clean cover system
- clearfell
- cleft fence
- climate
- climate change
- climate change (effects on plants)
- climate change adaptation
- climate change mitigation
- climate change projections
- climate change projections for Britain and Ireland
- climate forcing agent
- climate oscillations
- climate proofing
- climate sceptic
- climate sensitivity
- climate tipping point
- climategate
- climax
- climber
- climbing inspection
- cling stone
- clinker
- clinometer
- clone
- close-board fence
- closed churchyard
- cloud forest
- cloud pruning
- clump
- coalescence
- coarse-graded aggregate
- cob
- cobble
- cobnut
- cobra system
- code for sustainable homes
- code of conduct
- code of practice
- co-dominant
- co-evolution
- cohesion-tension theory
- cohesive soil
- collar and spigot
- collar beam
- collar rot
- colluvium
- combined drain
- combustion
- combustion (firewood)
- Commissary court
- common land
- common land (history in England)
- common land (Scotland)
- common law
- Commons Act 2006
- Commons Council
- community asset transfer
- community forest
- community infrastructure levy (CIL)
- community woodland network grant
- compaction
- companion plant
- companion shelter
- compartment
- compartmentalization
- compensation (law)
- compensation (structural defect)
- compensation point
- competent person
- compost
- compost accelerator
- compost tea
- compression
- compression fork
- compression wood
- computer-aided design
- concrete
- concrete block permeable paving
- condition
- condition precedent
- cone (strobilus)
- cone penetrometer
- congested bark
- conifer
- conkers bonkers
- conollyana (Fallopia ×conollyana, railway-yard knotweed)
- conservation and enhancement scheme
- conservation area
- conservation biology
- conservation grazing
- Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010
- conservation value
- Conservation Volunteers (The)
- consistency
- Consistory court
- consolidation
- constraints plan
- Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007
- construction exclusion zone
- Construction Industry Research and Information Association
- Construction Skills Certification Scheme card
- consultant
- Consulting Arborist Society
- consumption rate
- container-grown
- contemporary and über modern gardens
- contempt of court
- continuing professional development
- continuous cover forestry (CCF)
- Continuous Cover Forestry Group
- continuous flight auger (CFA)
- contract
- contraction and convergence
- contractor
- Contractors health & safety assessment scheme (CHAS)
- contributory negligence
- Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 1999
- controlled pollination
- controlled waste
- Convention on biological diversity
- conversion
- conveyancing
- cool roof
- Copenhagen
- coping
- copper
- copper/chrome/arsenic
- coppice
- coppice (history)
- coppice (management)
- coppice with standards
- copse
- corbel
- cord
- cordon
- cordwood
- cordyline
- core aeration
- cork
- cork cambium
- Cornell University structural soil
- cornice
- coronet cut
- cost-benefit analysis
- COT assessment
- cotyledon (seed leaf)
- Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers
- Council of tree and landscape appraisers (CTLA) method
- councillor
- counsel
- country park
- Countryside Act 1968
- Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000
- Countryside stewardship scheme
- County court
- county farm
- County Wildlife Trust
- coupe
- course
- court
- Court of appeal
- court order
- covenant
- covert
- crab apple
- crack
- crack (in fruit)
- crack (in trees)
- crack monitoring
- cracks in buildings (classification)
- cracks in buildings (reasons)
- crag
- crane mat
- creep
- creeping freehold
- creeping marshwort
- creosote
- criminal action
- criminal damage
- Criminal Damage Act 1971
- Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
- criminal law
- criminal standard
- crinkle-crankle wall
- crosscut
- cross-fall
- crossing branch
- cross-over
- cross-pollination
- crotch
- CRoW Act
- crown
- crown area
- crown break
- crown cleaning
- crown clearance
- Crown court
- crown density
- crown diameter
- crown estate
- Crown Estate Act 1971
- Crown Estates
- crown land
- crown lifting
- crown origin
- crown radius
- crown reduction
- crown retrenchment
- crown rot
- crown separation
- crown shaping
- crown spread
- crown thinning
- crown volume
- cruck
- crushed glass
- Cryogenian
- CSCS card
- culinary variety
- cultivar
- cultivated tree form
- cultivated tree form (fruit trees)
- cultural value
- culvert
- cup shake
- cupboard door failure
- current annual increment
- curtilage
- cut and pitch roof
- cuticle
- cuticular transpiration
- cuticular water loss
- cutting
- cycad
- cytokinin