Tree terms: d
- damage to trees
- damages
- damping
- damp-proof course
- dangerous climate change
- dark-sky reserve
- daylight
- daylighting test
- dB
- dB (A)
- de minimis
- dead hedge
- dead wood
- dead wood (habitat)
- deadman system
- deadwood (tree crown)
- death watch beetle (Xestobium spp.)
- de-bark
- debt collection agency
- decay
- decay (external signs in trees)
- decibel
- deciduous
- decision notice
- decline
- decompaction
- decomposers
- decomposition
- deer
- deer damage
- deer fence
- deer forest
- deer lawn
- deer park
- defect
- defendant
- deficiency
- definitive map
- deforestation
- deformity
- degree
- degree-days
- dehiscence
- de-icing salt
- delamination
- delegated legislation
- delegated powers
- demarcation line
- Demec strain gauge
- demographic momentum
- dendrochronology
- dendrology
- denehole
- denn
- Densitomat
- density
- dentate block paver
- Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
- derelict
- derelict hedge
- derelict land
- derelict orchard
- derelict woodland
- derris
- desertification
- desiccate
- design and access statement
- design freeze
- desire line
- dessert variety
- destructive distillation
- detention basin
- developable area
- development
- development plan
- development plan documents
- devil’s ears
- dew
- dew point
- dew pond
- diameter
- diameter at breast height
- diameter tape
- diametral crack
- dibble
- Dicotyledoneae
- die-back
- differential settlement
- differentiation
- diffuse light
- diffuse porous
- diffusion
- dilatancy
- Diocesan Advisory Committee
- dioecious
- diploid
- direct light
- direct seeding (direct sowing)
- directional drilling
- disclaimer
- discoloured wood
- disease
- dismantle
- disorder
- displacement (by trees)
- distal
- distillation
- distortion survey
- distressed
- district
- district judge
- District registry
- diurnal
- diversity (landscape)
- diversity (wildlife)
- Divisional court
- dog damage
- domestic energy assessor
- domestica
- dominant
- doorstep green
- dormancy, dormant
- dormant bud
- dormer
- dormouse
- double working
- double-sided open-board fence
- down
- downy willow
- drag coefficient
- drain
- drain cover
- drain rooter
- drain run
- drain survey
- drainage
- dressing
- drift
- drift (biocide)
- drip-line
- drive-all
- drop kerb
- dropper fence
- drought
- drought avoidance
- drought crack
- drought stress
- drought tolerance
- drupe
- dry jointed
- dry rot
- DTp 1
- DTp 2
- dual drainage
- dual-purpose variety
- ductile failure
- durable
- Durban
- durmast oak
- Dutch cut
- Dutch elm disease
- Dutch elm disease (resistance)
- duty of care
- dwarf
- dwarf Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica var. compacta)
- dwarf shrub
- dwarfing rootstock
- dyke
- dynamic behaviour