Tree terms: e
- early gentian
- early wood
- early-mature
- earth sheltering
- Earth summit
- easement
- eave
- ecclesiastical exemption
- ecological economics
- ecological footprint
- ecological matching
- ecological site classification
- ecological site classification decision support system
- ecology
- Economics of ecosystems and biodiversity study (The)
- ecosystem
- ecosystem banking
- ecosystem services
- ecotone
- eco-town
- ecto-
- ectomycorrhiza
- Eden project
- Edexel
- edge course
- edible dormouse (Glis glis)
- Edwardian gardens
- efflorescence
- eight-toothed European spruce bark beetle
- el niño –southern oscillation
- elastic
- elastic limit
- elastometer
- e-learning
- electric fence
- electrolyte leakage
- elephant’s ear
- elephant’s foot
- elevation (architecture)
- elevation (landscape)
- elk (Alces alces ssp. alces)
- embedded energy
- embodied energy
- emerald ash borer
- emergent layer
- emissions trading
- enabling development
- enclosure
- enclosure (of land)
- end loading
- endemic
- endo-
- endomycorrhiza
- endophyte
- endoscope
- energy
- energy crops scheme
- energy density
- energy yield ratio
- enforcement notice
- enforcement of judgment
- engineering ripper
- England biodiversity list
- English bond
- English elm
- English Heritage
- English oak
- English woodland grant scheme
- enrichment planting
- environment
- Environment Act 1995
- environmental economics
- environmental engineering
- environmental ethics
- environmental ethics (and capitalism)
- environmental ethics (and human nature)
- environmental ethics (and religion)
- environmental ethics (and science & technology)
- environmental ethics (and urbanization)
- environmental impact
- environmental impact assessment
- Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations 1999
- environmental movement
- Environmental Protection Act 1990
- environmental science
- environmental statement
- environmental stewardship scheme
- environmentalist
- environmentally sensitive area
- enzyme
- epi-
- epicormic shoots
- epiphyte
- epithet
- equines
- equinox
- equitable title
- erosion (drains)
- erosion (soil)
- erumpent canker
- espalier
- essential oils
- establishment
- estate fence
- estovers
- ethnobotany
- etiolation
- eudicot
- European Arboricultural Council
- European bison (wisent, Bison bonasus)
- European landscape convention (ELC)
- European protected species
- European site
- eutrophication
- evaporation
- evapotranspiration
- evergreen
- evolution
- excepted land
- exception site
- exemplary damages
- exotic
- expansion crack
- expansion joint
- expert witness
- exposure
- extinction debt
- extraction
- extractives
- extreme weather attribution
- extreme weather events
- exudate