Tree terms: f
- faculty
- faggot
- fallen leaves
- fallow deer (Dama dama)
- false acacia
- false heartwood
- family
- family tree
- fan
- FArborA
- farm woodlands
- fascia
- fasciation
- fascine
- fastigiate
- fatigue
- fats and oils
- fauna
- FC
- FDB method
- feathered maiden
- feathered whip
- featheredge board
- feedback
- feeder root
- felling
- felling licence
- felling wedge
- felt
- felted beech scale
- felted scale
- fen
- fen orchid
- fence
- feral
- ferme ornée
- fermentation
- ferns
- fertigation
- fertility
- fertilization
- fertilizer
- fertilizer (damage)
- fibre
- fibre buckling
- fibre saturation point
- field capacity
- field drain
- field layer
- Fields in Trust
- filbert
- filter strip
- fin drain
- financial ombudsman
- finial
- fire damage
- firebelt
- fireblight
- firebreak
- firewood
- first flower opening
- Fisher’s estuarine moth
- five-day notice
- flag pavers
- flagstone
- flare
- Flemish bond
- flexible restraint
- flint
- floating-leaved water plantain
- Flood Act 2010
- flood damage
- flood plain
- flood risk
- flood risk assessment
- floor slab
- flora
- flower
- flower (adaptations for animals)
- flower bud
- flowering plant
- flush (growth)
- flush (wetland)
- flush cut
- flute
- fly-ash
- flying freehold
- fly-tipping
- fog
- foliar analysis
- folk biology
- Food and Environment Protection Act 1985
- Food and Environment Research Agency
- food miles
- footing
- footprint
- footway
- forb
- force
- forest (current meaning)
- forest (history)
- Forest Authority
- forest bathing
- forest degradation
- Forest Enterprise
- forest garden
- Forest Industry Safety Accord (FISA)
- forest lawn
- forest mensuration
- forest policy
- Forest Research
- forest school
- Forest Stewardship Council
- ForestGALES
- forestry
- Forestry Act 1967
- Forestry and Arboriculture Safety and Training Council
- Forestry Commission (FC)
- Forestry Standard
- fork
- form (forma, f.)
- formation level
- formative pruning
- formwork
- forwarder
- fossil fuels
- foul water
- foul water drain
- foundation
- foundation degree
- foundations (history)
- fracking (hydraulic fracturing)
- fractometer
- framework
- Framework convention on climate change
- frass
- free growth
- free market
- free stone
- free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE)
- freeze-thaw action
- French drain
- friable
- frill girdle
- froe
- frond
- frontier species
- frost
- frost crack
- frost damage
- frost hardiness
- frost heave
- frost pocket
- fruit
- fruit bud
- fruit set
- fruit thinning
- fuel cell
- full bloom
- fungal fruiting body
- fungi
- furniture beetle (Anobium punctatum)