Tree terms: h
- ha
- habit
- habitat
- habitat translocation
- Habitats directive
- ha-ha
- hail damage
- half-standard (fruit tree)
- hand tool
- hang up
- hanger
- hanging wood
- haploid
- harassment
- hard infrastructure
- hard landscaping
- hard winters
- hard-core
- hardpan
- hardstanding
- hardwood
- hardwood stem cutting
- hardy nursery stock
- harm
- harvesting
- hat-stand failure
- haunch
- hazard
- hazard beam
- haze
- hazel
- hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius)
- head (head deposit)
- head pruning
- header
- heading back
- headland
- headroom
- heads of terms
- Health & Safety Executive
- health and safety
- Health and Safety (First- Aid) Regulations 1981
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
- heart shake
- heartwood
- heat island
- heat pump
- heath
- heave
- heavy standard (nursery stock)
- hectare
- hedge
- hedge form
- hedge laying
- hedge-and-ditch presumption
- hedgehog gutterbrush
- hedgerow
- hedgerow habitat action plan
- hedgerow removal notice
- hedgerow tree
- Hedgerows Regulations 1997
- heel in
- helibar
- helical failure
- helical grain
- Helliwell method
- hemicellulose
- hemiparasite
- Heras fence
- herb
- herb layer
- herbarium
- herbicide
- herbivore
- heritage
- heritage asset
- heritage statement
- Heterobasidion annosum
- hidebound
- High court
- high forest
- high forest with reserves
- high hedge
- high pruning
- higher level stewardship
- Higher national certificate in arboriculture
- Higher national diploma in arboriculture
- higher plant
- high-lead
- highway
- Highways Act 1980
- Highways Authority
- Hillier gardens
- Himalayan balsam
- Himalayan knotweed (Persicaria wallichii)
- hinge
- hip
- hip roof
- Historic England
- historic landscape
- HM Courts Service
- HNC Arb
- HND Arb
- hoar
- hoar frost
- hoggin
- hogging
- Holdridge life zones
- hollow tining
- holloway
- homezone
- honey fungus
- honeydew
- honorary native
- hoo
- Hooke’s law
- Hooper’s rule
- hopper head
- hoppus foot (hft)
- hopsack paving
- horizon scanning
- horse chestnut bleeding canker
- horse chestnut leaf miner
- horticultural oil
- horticulture
- hosepipe kinking
- host
- hot spot
- hotspot (biodiversity)
- house longhorn beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus)
- household projections
- Housing Association
- housing density
- housing zone
- Huber’s formula
- hulk
- human population
- Human Rights Act 1998
- humidity
- humiture
- humus
- hurdle
- hurricane
- hybrid
- hydraulic conductivity
- hydric
- hydrogel
- hydrogen
- hydrology
- hypha
- hypovirulence
- hypoxia
- hypsometer