Tree terms: s
- S41 list
- safe
- Safe useful life expectancy
- safe working load
- safety factor
- sagging
- saguaro cactus
- sail area
- salt
- salt damage
- salterie
- sample plot
- sand
- sand lizard
- sand school
- sand slitting
- sanitation pruning
- sap
- sap run
- sapling
- saprophyte
- saproxylic
- sapstain
- sapwood
- saw
- saw horse (horse)
- saw pit
- sawlog
- scab
- scaffold branches
- scale (landscape)
- scale (plans, maps)
- scale insect
- scarify
- schedule of works
- scheduled monument
- school
- scion
- scion rooting
- sclerophyll
- scoping
- scorch
- Scottish Skills Testing Service
- screeding
- screefing
- screen
- scrub
- sculpted (by vehicles)
- sculpted (by wind)
- scupper
- sea level rise
- seasonal moisture deficit
- seasoning (firewood)
- seasoning (timber)
- secondary blossom
- secondary branch
- secondary cell wall
- secondary legislation
- secondary metabolite
- secondary thickening
- secondary woodland
- secondary xylem
- section
- section 106 agreement
- section 201
- section 211 notice
- Section 278 highway agreement
- Section 41 list
- Sector information minute
- Sector Skills Council
- seed
- seed dispersal
- seed plant
- seed tree
- seedling
- seedling axis
- selection systems
- selective delignification
- selective thinning
- self-binding gravel
- self-fertile
- self-optimization
- self-sown
- self-sterile
- semi-mature tree
- semi-natural woodland
- semi-permeable
- senescence
- sensu stricto, sensu lato
- septic tank
- sequester
- service run
- services
- sessile
- set-aside
- sett (paving)
- sett (wildlife)
- setting
- settlement
- sewer
- shade
- shade leaf
- shade tolerant
- shadow
- shake
- shape
- sharp sand
- shaw
- shear
- shear failure
- shear vane
- sheep (Ovis aries)
- sheet flow
- sheet pile
- shell buckling
- shelter (of plants)
- shelter (urban design)
- shelterbelt
- shelterwood system
- Shigometer
- shiitake (Lentinula edodes)
- shin rail (knee rail)
- shingle (aggregate)
- shingle (wood)
- shoot
- shore dock
- short-rotation coppice (SRC)
- short-rotation forestry (SRF)
- shot-hole
- shredding
- shrinkable soil
- shrinkage limit
- shrub
- shrub layer
- shrub mass
- shrub species
- shrubbery
- shuttering
- SI
- significant
- sika deer (Cervus nippon)
- silt
- silver sand
- silverleaf disease
- silvicultural system
- silviculture
- simple harmonic motion
- simultaneous rot
- single payment scheme
- single tree selection
- sink hole
- sinker root
- site
- site classification
- site factors
- Site of community importance
- Site of special scientific interest
- Six acre standard
- sk
- skeletal soil
- skeleton soil
- sketch plan
- skidder
- skyglow
- skylight
- skylight indicator
- skyline winch
- slab (floor slab)
- slab (slab paver)
- slabwood
- slag
- slasher
- sleeper
- sleeper beam
- sleeper wall
- sleeping eye
- slender naiad
- slickenside
- slime flux
- slime moulds
- slip hazard
- slip liner
- slope instability
- slow-worm (Anguis fragilis)
- Small claims court
- small mammal damage
- small roundwood
- Small Woods Association (SWA)
- smoke
- smoke (regulation)
- smooth snake
- snag
- snedding
- snow damage
- snowball earth
- soakaway
- SocEnv
- social housing
- Society for the Environment (SocEnv)
- socketing
- soffit
- soft fruit
- soft infrastructure
- soft landscaping
- soft rot
- softwood
- soil
- soil aeration
- soil analysis
- soil assessment
- soil auger
- soil biology
- soil bulk density
- soil carbon
- soil compaction
- soil conditioner
- soil conductivity
- soil creep
- soil decompaction
- soil depth
- soil drainage
- soil erosion
- soil fauna
- soil fertility
- soil field tests
- soil horizon
- soil improvement
- soil improver
- soil mechanics
- soil moisture content
- soil moisture deficit
- soil organic matter
- soil permeability
- soil pH
- soil pit
- soil poaching
- soil pore
- soil profile
- soil salinity
- soil sterilant
- soil strength
- soil structure
- soil suction
- soil temperature
- soil texture
- soil type
- soil water
- soil water deficit
- soil water potential
- soil water-holding capacity
- soil-forming factors
- solar altitude
- solar energy
- solar gain
- solar radiation
- soldier course
- solicitor
- solid geology
- solifluxion
- solstice
- solute
- sooty bark disease of sycamore
- sooty mould
- Sorbus spp.
- sounding mallet
- source control
- spalling
- spangle gall
- special area of conservation
- special protection area
- speciation
- species
- species diversity
- species selection
- species-area relationship (SAR)
- specific gravity
- specification (fruit tree)
- specification (nursery stock)
- specification (tree work)
- sphaeroblast
- spiling
- spindlebush
- spine
- spinney
- spiral grain
- spiral guard
- spire
- spirit of place
- split
- splitting wedge
- spoil
- spore
- spore print
- sport
- spring
- spring flush
- spring frost
- spring rings
- spruce bark beetle
- spruce budworm
- spur
- spur pruning
- square-foot garden
- squatters rights
- squirrel damage (grey)
- squirrel damage (red)
- stack bond
- stag beetle
- stag-head
- stain (in wood)
- stain (on bark)
- stake
- stand
- standard (forestry)
- standard (fruit tree)
- standard (nursery stock)
- standard overcast sky
- standard planning application form
- standing advice
- standing volume
- standing water
- star shake
- starch
- starch test
- static integrated assessment (SIA)
- static integrated method (SIM)
- static load test
- static loading
- statics
- statute
- statutory consultee
- statutory instrument
- statutory law
- Statutory Nature Conservation Organization
- statutory nuisance
- statutory undertaker
- stem
- stem cutting
- stem flow
- stem rot
- step-over
- stepping stone
- stere
- Stern report
- sticky point
- stiff
- stiff clay
- stipule
- stock fence
- Stockholm conference
- Stockholm system
- stocking
- stolon (runner)
- stomata
- stomatal conductance
- stomatal resistance
- stone fruit
- stool
- stool bed
- stop notice
- stored coppice
- storm cell
- storm damage
- stormwater
- stormwater drain
- strain
- strain gauge
- strainer post
- strangler
- strangulation
- street
- street canyon
- street scene
- street tree
- stress (mechanical)
- stress (physiological)
- stress (water)
- stress concentration
- stress wave timer
- stretcher
- stretcher bond
- stretcher course
- strimmer
- strimmer injury
- string course
- strip footing
- strobilus
- structural defect
- structural diversity
- structural engineer
- structural failure
- structural movement
- structural roots
- structural soil
- structure
- stub (branch)
- stub (woodland history)
- stump
- stump decay
- stump grinder
- stump removal
- stumpery
- sub-base
- sub-dominant
- suberin
- sub-grade
- sublimation
- subsidence (of an branch)
- subsidence (of ground)
- subsoil
- subsoiler
- subspecies
- substrate
- sub-surface erosion
- succession
- sucker
- suction
- sudden oak death
- sue
- sugar
- sui generis
- sulphur
- summary offence
- summer branch drop
- summer pruning
- sump
- sun leaf
- sunlight
- sunlighting test
- sunscorch
- sunspot cycle
- supplementary planning documents
- suppressed
- surface
- surface dressing
- surface water
- surface water drain
- surfactant
- survey
- suspended floor
- suspended floor slab
- sustainability
- Sustainable community strategy
- sustainable development
- sustainable development strategy
- sustainable drainage systems
- sustainable forestry
- sustained yield
- swale
- swamp
- sweep
- sweet chestnut gall
- sweet track
- symbiosis
- syndrome
- systematic thinning
- Système International d’Unités
- systemic acquired resistance