Tree terms: t
- t CO2e
- t/R ratio
- tack coat
- tactile paving
- tag
- Tanalith treatment
- tandem development
- tannins
- taper
- taproot
- tar
- target
- target area
- target canker
- target cut
- tarmacadam
- taxol
- taxon
- taxon substitution
- taxonomy
- Technician’s certificate
- tegula
- teleomorph
- temperate
- temporary closure order
- tensiometer
- tension
- tension sling
- tension wood
- terminal bud
- terms and conditions
- terpenes
- terrace
- Terram
- Terravent
- tesselation
- thatch
- thermal conductivity
- thermohaline circulation
- thicket
- thicket stage
- thigmotropism
- thinning (crown)
- thinning (woodland)
- thinning cycle
- thinning intensity
- thinning regime
- thinning to waste
- thinning type (woodland)
- thinnings
- third party debt order
- thorn
- threshold wind speed
- tick
- tie bar
- tie beam
- till
- tilt test
- timber
- timber defect
- timber extraction
- timber harvesting
- timber-frame
- tip bearer
- tipping
- tipping point
- tirfor
- tissue culture
- title
- toadstool
- tolerability of risk
- tomography
- top diameter
- top fruit
- top height
- topiary
- topographical survey
- topography
- topping
- topsoil
- ToR
- torpor
- torsion, torque
- tort
- Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999
- Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995
- Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation) (England) Regulations 2012
- Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999
- Town and Country Planning Act 1990
- Town and Country Planning Association
- town council
- toxicity (nutrients)
- toxicity (poisoning of animals)
- trace element
- tracheid
- trade designation (selling name)
- traditional orchard
- traffic
- tragedy of the commons
- training
- tranquillity
- Transition movement
- transpiration
- transpiration stream
- transplant
- transplant shock
- transplanting (mature trees)
- transplanting (nursery stock)
- tree
- tree age
- tree anchor
- tree box filter
- tree breeding
- tree condition assessment
- tree constraints plan
- Tree Council
- tree dynamics
- Tree evaluation method for preservation orders
- tree fern
- tree form
- tree grille
- tree guard
- tree hazard assessment
- Tree health, diagnostic and advisory service
- tree height
- tree inspection
- tree line
- tree motion sensor (TMS)
- tree nursery
- tree officer
- tree pit
- tree pit surfacing
- tree preservation order
- tree preservation order (appeal)
- tree preservation order (area order)
- tree preservation order (article 5 certificate)
- tree preservation order (challenge)
- tree preservation order (compensation)
- tree preservation order (conditions)
- tree preservation order (consent for tree works)
- tree preservation order (crown land)
- tree preservation order (draft order)
- tree preservation order (exemptions)
- tree preservation order (fruit tree)
- tree preservation order (hedge)
- tree preservation order (model order)
- tree preservation order (objections)
- tree preservation order (penalty)
- tree preservation order (prohibited actions)
- tree preservation order (provisional order)
- tree preservation order (regulation 3 notice)
- tree preservation order (statistics)
- tree preservation order (woodland)
- Tree preservation orders: A guide to the law and good practice
- tree protection plan
- Tree Register of the British Isles
- tree replacement notice
- tree report
- tree ring analysis
- tree risk
- tree risk (statistics)
- tree risk assessment
- tree risk threshold
- tree shelter
- tree size (definition of a tree)
- tree size (measurement)
- tree spade
- tree species
- tree stake
- tree surgeon
- tree surgery
- tree survey
- tree tag
- tree thinning
- tree tie
- tree warden scheme
- tree work
- TreeAZ
- treegator
- tree-pulling test
- Trees and Design Action Group
- Trees for Cities
- trench sheeting
- trench-fill foundation
- trenchless technology
- trespass
- tribunal
- Trichoderma spp.
- triffid
- trip hazard
- trip rail
- triple SI
- triploid
- tropics
- tropisms
- trunk
- truss
- TrustMark
- Tudor and Jacobean gardens
- Tuley tube
- tumbled
- Tumbleweed
- tundra
- turgor pressure
- turning head
- turntable
- twig
- two-storied high forest
- tyloses
- Type 1 sub-base
- Type 2 sub-base