Tree terms: p
- PA1-PA6
- PACE interview
- pale
- paling
- palisade
- palisade fence
- pallet wood
- palm
- pan
- panel fencing
- pannage
- pantile
- paper size
- parapet wall
- parasite
- parenchyma
- parent material
- parish council
- parish plan
- park (ancient history)
- park (recent history)
- parkland
- Parma commitment
- Parochial church council
- parterre
- parthenocarpy
- particulates
- party wall
- Party wall, etc. Act 1996.
- PAS 100
- pascal
- PassivHaus
- pasture
- patch clearfelling
- pathogen
- pathological heartwood
- pathovar
- pattern imprinted concrete
- patulin
- pavement
- pavers
- paving
- pavior, paviour
- pea gravel
- peak oil
- peak timber
- peat
- pebble
- pebble-dash
- pectin
- ped
- pedology
- peduncle
- pellets
- pelosol
- penetrometer
- Penman variables
- pent roof
- People’s Trust for Endangered Species
- per capita
- perched water table
- percolation
- percolation test
- perennial
- pergola
- permaculture
- permafrost
- permanent wilting point
- permeability
- permeable concrete
- permeable macadam
- permeable paving
- Permean extinction
- permissive path
- permitted development
- persistent moisture deficit
- persistent organic pollutant
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
- pest
- pesticide
- petal fall
- petiole
- pH
- Phase 1 habitat survey
- phenolics
- phenology
- phloem
- phloem sap
- phoenix regeneration
- phosphorus
- photosynthesis
- phylloxera
- physiological condition
- physiological stress
- phyto-
- Phytophthora alni
- Phytophthora austrocedrae
- Phytophthora cactorum and P. syringae
- Phytophthora kernoviae
- Phytophthora lateralis
- Phytophthora pseudosyringae
- Phytophthora quercina
- Phytophthora ramorum
- Phytophthora spp.
- phytoplasma
- phytoremediation
- phytosanitary certificate
- phytotoxic
- picket fence
- picturesque gardens
- Picus tomograph
- pier
- pigment
- pigs (Sus spp.)
- pile
- pillow mound
- pine pitch canker
- pine processionary moth
- pine tree lappet moth (Dendrolimus pini)
- pine wilt nematode
- pinetum
- pink bud
- pioneer species
- pipe drain
- pipe ramming
- pipe theory
- pippin
- pistil
- piston
- pit
- pit planting
- pit sawing
- pitch
- pitch fibre
- pitched roof
- pitcher
- pith
- plain-sawn
- plaintiff
- plan
- plane wilt
- planning
- Planning (Consequential Provisions) Act 1990
- Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990
- Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
- Planning Act 2008
- planning acts
- Planning aid
- Planning and Compensation Act 1991
- Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
- planning appeal
- planning application
- planning application (validation)
- planning authority
- planning blight
- planning committee
- planning condition
- planning consultant
- planning inspectorate
- planning obligation
- planning officer
- planning permission
- Planning policy guidance
- Planning policy statement
- planning portal
- planning system
- plant (living things)
- plant (machinery)
- plant anatomy
- plant collection (history)
- Plant Health and Seeds Inspectorate
- Plant health movement document
- Plant health notice
- Plant Health Regulations
- Plant Health Service
- Plant Heritage
- plant hunters
- plant physiology
- plant propagation
- plant water deficit
- plant water potential
- plantation
- planter
- planting pit
- planting stock
- plashing
- plastic
- plastic limit
- plasticity
- plasticity index
- plat
- Platipus earth anchoring systems
- platoons
- pleacher
- pleaching
- Plot’s elm
- plough pan
- ploughing
- pluck test
- plumule
- plunge
- plus tree
- Plymouth pear
- PM10
- pneumatophore
- pocket park
- pocket plum (Taphrina prunii)
- podzol
- pole
- pole length
- polecat (European polecat, Mustela putorius)
- polesaver
- polish stone value
- pollard
- pollen
- pollen analysis
- pollination
- pollination partner
- polluter pays
- pollution
- pollution (regulation)
- polygon
- polyploid
- polypore
- polysaccharide
- pomace
- pome
- ponding
- pool frog
- pore space
- portable roadway
- positive feedback
- post
- post hole borer
- post-2010 biodiversity framework
- post-and-chain fence
- post-and-rail fence
- post-development pressure for tree works
- post-nominal
- postsaver
- potager
- potassium
- potassium soap
- pot-bound
- potential energy
- potting medium
- powder post beetle (Lyctinae)
- powdery mildews
- power
- pozzolan
- ppm
- pre-app
- precaution
- precautionary principle
- precautionary zone
- precipitation
- pre-qualification questionnaire (ppq)
- Pressler borer
- pressure
- pressure treatment
- prickle
- prima facie
- primary branch
- primary cell wall
- primary production
- primary woodland
- Princeton elm
- principle of moments
- priority habitat
- priority species
- private sewer
- pro bono
- probability
- probe
- Proctor test
- professional body
- Professional diploma in arboriculture
- professional indemnity insurance
- proficiency
- progeny trial
- Programme for the endorsement of forest certification (PEFC)
- prohibited zone
- proof of evidence
- prop
- prop stake
- propagation
- propagation wood
- propagule
- prospect
- protected species
- protected trees
- Protection of Badgers Act 1992
- protist
- provenance
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
- proximal
- pruning
- pruning (fruit trees)
- pseudosclerotic layer
- public footpath
- Public Forest Estate
- Public Health Act 1937
- public inquiry
- public liability insurance
- public right of way (PROW)
- public sewer
- public way
- puddled
- pull back
- pulling test
- pumping
- punitive damages
- purlin
- pyroligneous acid
- pyrolysis